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Current Catalogue
40th Anniversary Anthology
Ralph Adamo
Paul Benton
The Other Side of Sleep
Maxine Cassin
Roach Opera
Christian Champagne
Beauty Eating Beauty
Nancy C. Harris
Sonata in F# minor
Barry Ivker
Behind Lies the Sugar
Danny Kerwick
Evening of Wonders
James Knudsen
Extended Remark: Poems from a Moravian Parking Lot
Michael Martin
Reflections: A Yogi on Her Journey
Karin O'Bannon
Geometry of the Heart
Valentine Pierce
The Altar of this Moment
Beverly Rainbolt
Brad Richard

Miracles and Wonders
Michael S. True

Diabolical Seas
Michael S. True

The Maple Leaf Rag
The Maple Leaf Rag III

The Maple Leaf Rag IV

The Maple Leaf Rag V

The Maple Leaf Rag VI



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Out of Print Books

Books previously published, now out of print.

Something in the Water

Something in the Water

ISBN 978-0-916620-80-6

20 literary short stories set in Louisiana.



Davenport's Version
by John Gery
ISBN 0-916620-58-1

This remarkable five-part poem, narrated by Captain Davenport, draws on classic texts as it reflects on love, loss, memory, politics, peace and the human condition in the New Orleans of the Civil War.



The Frog Surgeon
by Dean Paschal
ISBN 978-0-916620-18-9

A tale of scientifically-minded teenage brothers who set themselves up as surgeons. They begin with frogs. They don't end there.



The Women at the Well
by Grace Bauer
ISBN 0-916620-33-6
96 pages $15

Grace Bauer grew up in Northampton, PA, where she began her relevant education at Our Lady of Hungary School. She earned a B.A. from Temple University and an MFA from the University of Massachusetts. She spent several years in New Orleans. Bauer has published three other collections: Where You've Seen Her, The House Where I've Never Lived, and Field Guide to the Ineffable: Poems on Marcel Duchamp.

Bauer has won an Academy of American Poets Prize, the Irene Leache Poetry Prize, and an Individual Artists Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. She teaches creative writing at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln.

"In The Women at the Well, Bauer sings out of silent alternative stories of the Biblical women she first encountered as a schoolgirl listening to the nuns. Wry humor is only one element of Bauer's illuminating re-vision as she inhabits her women in the longing, sassiness, rebellion, compassion, wavering, and triumph. She lets them like each other - Rachel and Leah reconcile - and lets them relish their bodies. Mary complains about never 'knowing pleasure.' She creates The Prodigal Daughter who, like Woolf's Judith Shakespeare, experiences a vastly different fate from her male counterpart's. But unlike poor Judith, this daughter survives and bears her own girl child. . .I had my favorites among Bauer's women, and you will, too. Whoever they are, the Bible will never be the same." - Carole Simmons Oles, author of Night Watches: Inventions on the Life of Maria Mitchell.



American Waste

American Waste
by Everette Maddox
ISBN 0-916620-99-X
96 pages $15

This is a posthumous collection of poems by Maddox, who died in 1989. He graduated from the University of Alabama and taught at Xavier University and the University of New Orleans. During the last ten years of his life he ran the poetry reading series at the Maple Leaf Bar in New Orleans. His other collections are The Everette Maddox Songbook and Bar Scotch.

"Everette Maddox didn't shun the dangers of alcoholic sentimentality, but welcomed them, parodied them, turned them inside out, and made triumphantly from them these jauntily heartbroken poems. It took a canny, brave and desperate heart to make these poems, much less to make them well, and he did it. The poems themselves are the living proof - he was the dying proof - of how hugely our short lives matter." William Matthews, author of Blues If You Want.





out of print

Belief Blues
by Kay Murphy
ISBN 0-916620-88-3
96 pages $20

Kay Murphy has fortified this collection with the authority of testimony and experience. There is a riveting timbre to her voice, a narrative vigour to her telling. Highly literate and affectingly playful, carefully philosophical and deliciously irreverent. Belief Blues speaks with a magnificence which defies hyperbole."  Niyi Osundare, Recipient of Africa's Noma Award




out of print

Blue Print
by Yictove
ISBN 0-916620-75-1
64 pages $20

"Yictove writes with the resonance of a native New Orleans bluesman, the sharp eye of a New York City street poet, the rolling rhythm of a Jamaican dub-poet, and the vision of a prophet circling the modern Jericho. These poems are alive, whispering and booming." James Nolan, author of What Moves is Not the Wind



out of print

Homage: A Letter to Robert Penn Warren
by H.R. Stoneback
ISBN 0-916620-43-3
64 pages $20

"The poem [is] a delight, a great read, a rumble of energy all the way through."
Dave Smith, Elliot Coleman Professor of Poetry, Johns Hopkins University.

"I was blown away by the art and power of the thing; a second reading not only confirmed my admiration for the poem, it deepened and broadened it. The poem's structure and 'geography' complement one another splendidly. . . What an intertextual tour de force it is!" William Bedford Clark, General Editor: Robert Penn Warren Correspondence Project.


out of print

Café Millennium & other poems
by H. R. Stoneback
ISBN 0-916620-84-0
144 pages $20

On "Woodsmoke in Aigues-Mortes: Late November" (winner of the W.B. Yeats Prize and one of the poems included in Café Millennium): "performs an act of verbal hypnosis on its reader...."

"The poem begins in sensuous pleasure and then veers off to consider one war safely locked in the historical past and another war threatening to erupt into the present. How the poem manages to return after touching on these disturbing realities to the pleasure of seeing (or not seeing) cows at night and inhaling the perfume of woodsmoke in the French countryside only attests to the steady hand and equipoise of this poet."
 Billy Collins, Yeats Newsletter.


out of print

Singing the Springs
by H.R. Stoneback
ISBN 0-916620-73-5
192 pages $20

"When you read - or hear him read - these songs and legends you know you are in the presence of a compelling, original, profound, and truly remarkable voice."   W. Evans Benton, poet, critic, Paris



out of print

by William S. Maddox
ISBN 0-916620-97-2
116 pages $20

Scacciato is based on a tale from The Decameron by Boccaccio. The novel relates a story of family conflict and political intrigue unfolding through the mysterious cycles of life and death. Though set in Sicily during the 13th century, Scacciato speaks of both the tragic and comic in our own times.


out of print

Romance Language
by Alan Elsner
ISBN 978-0-916620-90-5
$20 (includes shipping).

This novel juxtaposes the 1989 revolution in Romania with a 21st C. American college student's life.


out of print Prague, U.S.A.
by Richard Katrovas
ISBN 0-916620-96-4
136 pages $15
Sorry, out of print.

This collection of stories grew out of the expatriate community in Prague after the Velvet Revolution. Katrovas chronicles the hope, wonder, confusion, and emotion of a people gripped by both the American dream and the complex culture of the Czechs.


out of print Protection From All This Safety
by Chris Chandler & Philip Rockstroh
ISBN 0-916620-30-1
96 pages $15
Sorry, out of print.

Chris Chandler has performed these poems-songs throughout the United States.

"In the spirit of Woody Guthrie. . .a true troubadour."  Peter Yarrow

"Here is poetry intended to rouse the ear that should wake up the forgotten rebel in everyone." Andrei Codrescu


out of print Mirror Wars
by Nancy C. Harris
ISBN 0-916620-40-9
128 pages $15
Sorry, out of print.

"In poems precariously balanced on the pacing of each line, Harris delves below the primeval to the 'sideshow soul,' stranger we confront each time we look in the mirror and, suddenly, 'the cranium slips around/ like continental shelves forming/ Himalayas.' ... But however they may shake us out of our quotidian comforts, the luscious music of her poems ultimately sustains us with their 'true words/ whose cryptic carvings/ tumble from rune-stones/ right before [our] eyes.'" John Gery, author of American Ghost: Selected Poems.


out of print The Camel's Back
by Tom Whalen & Michael Presti
ISBN 0-916620-91-3
144 pages $15
Sorry, out of print.

An amazing romp through time and inner and outer space, from the planets Relix to Gabriel to18th century Ireland to Marrakesh at the end of time. Discover the secret upon which the characters' tales and the fate of the universe depends.


out of print Roithamer's Universe
by Tom Whalen
ISBN 0-916620-98-0
128 pages $15
Sorry, out of print.

"An intriguing blend of SF, philosophy, and word play. . .Giddy fun."



The Frog Surgeon
by Dean Paschal
ISBN 978-0-916620-18-9

A tale of scientifically-minded teenage brothers who set themselves up as surgeons. They begin with frogs. They don't end there.