Submission Guidelines
At present, Portals Press considers only collections of poems, collections of short stories and literary novels. Study our list first. We are a very small press and are already inundated with requests to publish. Serious authors have usually read at least one of our titles.
To submit a work for consideration, send a brief book proposal and bio- with your work. We no longer accept e-mail queries. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope for return and reply. For poetry, send five poems; for short story collections, send two stories; for a novel, send about 20 consecutive pages. Stories and poems should be carefully edited and proofread before submission. Do not send originals of your work, only copies. Response time: 1-3 months.
Ordering Info
To order by mail, send check or money order with title, quantity, and address to:
Portals Press
4411 Fontainebleau Dr.
New Orleans, LA, USA
e-mail correspondence: