The Other Side of Sleep
by Maxine Cassin
Selected Poems with Photography
by Clarence J. Laughlin & J.K. Potter
ISBN 0-916620-50-6
144 pages $20
Maxine Cassin earned an M.A. from Sophie Newcomb College.
She was one of the founders of The New Orleans Poetry
Journal Press. Her other collections are A Touch
of Recognition and Turnip's Blood. This collection
compiles over 30 years of poetic work.
"In The Other Side of Sleep, the poet expertly
leads us, against a background of cosmic darkness, through
the world of light and the daily flickerings of the
body. These are bright poems about mail, neighbors,
tea kettles, dandelions, cats, and canaries, and about
the mind's shining, too, books and ideas that 'beckon
like fixed stars.' This is an extraordinary collection
by Maxine Cassin, a gifted observer whose language is
both witty and wise, and whose understanding of our
lives of wakefulness is deep and precise." -
Sue Owen, author of The Book of Winter.